If you love gemstones, jewelry, crafts, fashion, accessories, handbags, shoes etc., with a little bit of history thrown in, I created this blog with you in mind, and for myself of course!
Please know the Etsy store LululilyJewelry is my store, all items sold there are designed and made by me, handcrafted with real gemstone, crystals and finished in different metals, including sterling silver, 14kt gold fill, and bronze. Item descriptions give full details of the item and materials used.
Affiliate DisclaimerLinks on this website may lead you to a product or service that provides an affiliate commission to the owners of this site should you make a purchase. In no way does any affiliate relationship ever factor into a recommendation, or alter the integrity of the information we provide. Please note that we have not been given any free products, services, or anything else by these companies in exchange for mentioning them on the site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions.
am also a GIA Accredited Jewelry Professional (A.J.P), so do contact me if
you have any questions about jewelry care, gemstones, topics you would like to see, or crafters if you want to post your ideas or designs, or just want to connect! I would love to hear from you.